Sleeping Beauty
The Vagabond Players
Sleeping Beauty
The classic fairytale comes to life as a brand new, family friendly, pantomime!
When a Prince stumbles across a castle in Queens Park that nobody else can see, an Old Man tells him the story of how an evil fairy put a curse on a princess a hundred and sixteen years ago. Don’t miss this comedic interactive adventure, a brand new, fun for all ages, non-traditional pantomime!
Theresa Cowley stars as the Sleeping Princess and Faith Hurd is the Prince who comes to break the spell and awaken her. Maegan Eastwood as Mother Fairy and Denise Brookson as Magnificent represent the forces of good and evil, and the King and Queen are played by Jean-Francois Thivierge and Roger Monk. The fine cast is rounded out by Jennifer Misera as the Old Man, Elizabeth Irving as Concord, Mike Parker as Rumpelstiltskin, along with a troupe of highly original fairies played by Delaney Gilmour, Anisha Thivierge, Frederique Roussel, Vivian Davidson and Janessa Thivierge.
Directed by Bev Pride & Elizabeth Drummond, Sleeping Beauty is Vagabond Player’s first pantomime since 1987. With sumptuous sets, gorgeous costumes, a little bit of magic, and loads of audience participation, this charming show will keep you and your whole family laughing and singing through the holiday season.
November 23 – December 17, 2017 Thursday to Saturday – 7:30 pm, Sunday matinees - 2:00 pm The Bernie Legge Theatre, Queen’s Park, New Westminster Tickets: $17 or $15 (Seniors/Youth) $12 previews on November 23 & 24 Purchase your tickets at or call 604-521-0412

#bernieleggetheatre #newwestminster #pressrelease #queenspark #vagabondplayers #cultclassic #JeremyHeynen #alexross #elizabethdrummond #bevpride #pantomime #fairytale #TheresaCowley #michaelparker #rogermonk #faithhurd #maeganeastwood #denisebrookson #JeanFrancoisThivierge #JenniferMisera #ElizabethIrving #JanessaThivierge #VivianDavidson #FrederiqueRoussel #AnishaThivierge #DelaneyGilmour #prince #princess #queen #king #motherfairy